Friday, 3 June 2016

Chef Vikas Khanna- The man with the gourmet touch on Man Magazine, June 2016 Issue

“Cooking makes a man sexy”, says Chef Vikas Khanna, a man with glamour looks, smooth voice and hunter smile. Vikas Khanna is one of the world’s best known and Michellin starred- Indian chef, brought up with the thought that cooking and eating together can break down boundaries and is an art of preserving every cultures. The man with excellent culinary skills can be now seen on the cover page of Man Magazine for the June issue, 2016.

 He hosted TV Shows like “Masterchef India” and published several books named Flavour First, Return to River and so on. He even launched a documentary film- Kitchens of Gratitude at Cannes Film Festival which focuses on food with the twist. Vikas has always aimed to be a cut above the rest, forever determined to get what seemed too far out of reach. Khanna’s life make for a delightful tale from selling street food for Rs. 20 a plate to be invited to cater for US President Barack Obama’s charity dinner where single plate went at Rs 20 lakh. This shining star chef has already earned the title of “New York’s Hottest Chef” and plans to go for an extra mile.